Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Thing 17

So I cannot follow directions and am now in the process of working backwards to get caught up. Libworm is actually pretty cool (especially for me since I am so into the whole Google Reader / RSS Things now!).

I searched for read aloud since my buddy and I are both becoming school librarians next year and cannot find any great resources for our story time plans. I came upon this really cool story about kids that are too shy to read aloud. A library in New Mexico has dogs brought in that the children can read to without fear of being laughed at. Pretty neat idea!

I searched story time and got 2,672 PAGES of results. I skimmed page one and saw that it was just a bunch of scheduled events although I did see one really cool story about a library having story time on a web cast for parents that cannot get out.

Interesting Thing!

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